There are a few different ways to abbreviate tablespoon. Note that not only does the tablespoon abbreviation include an extra b it is also usually capitalized while the tsp abbreviation always uses a lower case t.
The following measurement abbreviations work for volume or capacity of a container or space.
Whats the abbreviation for tablespoon. Looking for the abbreviation of tablespoon. The Webs largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. How Do You Abbreviate Tablespoon.
There are a few different ways to abbreviate tablespoon. Notably the abbreviation for tablespoon may be easily confused with the abbreviation for teaspoon tsp. To make it more distinct its common to use the uppercase T when abbreviating tablespoon.
22 ways to abbreviate Tablespoon. How to abbreviate Tablespoon. Get the most popular abbreviation for Tablespoon updated in 2021.
The abbreviations for tablespoons are T Tbsp or Tbs. The abbreviations for teaspoons are tsp or t. A tablespoon is larger than a teaspoon.
In fact 3 teaspoons equal one tablespoon. A tablespoon is a large spoon. In many English-speaking regions the term now refers to a large spoon used for serving.
However in some regions it is the largest type of spoon used for eating. By extension the term is also used as a cooking measure of volume. In this capacity it is most commonly abbreviated tbsp.
Or T and occasionally referred to as a tablespoonful to distinguish it from the utensil. The unit of measurement varies by region. A United States tablespoon is approximately 148.
The abbreviations for tablespoons are T Tbsp or Tbs. The abbreviations for teaspoons are tsp or t. A tablespoon is larger than a teaspoon.
In fact 3 teaspoons equal one tablespoon. The abbreviation of a tablespoon is T TB Tbl Tbsp. As a teaspoon is smaller so it measures less than a tablespoon.
However the actual amount that a teaspoon and a tablespoon measures may differ from region to region or from country to country. The capacity of an average teaspoon is 5mL. Other abbreviations that may be seen for tablespoons are T tb tbs tbl tblsp and tblspn.
Other abbreviations for dessertspoons are dspn and dstspn. Level Rounded Heaped Spoons. Often recipes will specify a level tablespoon heaped teaspoon or rounded teaspoon of a particular ingredient.
For example the tablespoon and teaspoon abbreviation may look very similar and can be mistaken for one another. A lowercase t can stand for teaspoon an uppercase T can stand for tablespoon Adding a tablespoon T of garlic when the recipe only requires a teaspoon t can spell disaster. 1 teaspoon 1 tsp 1 t.
1 tablespoon 1 Tbsp 1 T. Note that not only does the tablespoon abbreviation include an extra b it is also usually capitalized while the tsp abbreviation always uses a lower case t. Abbreviations of Units of Measurement Abbreviations for most units of measurements use small letters and periods.
The few exceptions that use capital letters are noted below. Temperature abbreviations use capitals because they come from proper nouns. Measures of mass or weight of types of tons are usually capitalized when abbreviated.
The tablespoon also has a very unique history. In the 18th century the tablespoon was unofficially added to the apothecaries system a list of measurements historically used by physicians in medical recipes. Today liquid medications are still measured using teaspoons and tablespoons.
5 ways to abbreviate Bottle. How to abbreviate Bottle. Get the most popular abbreviation for Bottle updated in 2021.
1 coffee cup Tasse or T approximately 150 ml or about 23 cup 1 large soup spoon Essloeffel or Eβlöffel or EL approximately 1 level tablespoon 1 teaspoon Teelöffel or Teeloeffel or Teel. Or T approximately 1 level teaspoon 1 knife tip Messerspitze 18 teaspoon or 1 pinch. The abbreviation should always be in lower case to distinguish it from the abbreviation for tablespoon Tbl and avoid confusion.
Like most abbreviations the abbreviations for teaspoon should not be used in academic writing or professional writing. The following measurement abbreviations work for volume or capacity of a container or space. Tsp or t - teaspoonteaspoons - A teaspoon is equal to about 16 of a fluid ounce or almost five milliliters.
Tbs tbsp or T - tablespoontablespoons - A tablespoon is about half a fluid ounce three teaspoons or fifteen milliliters. 5 tablespoons 1 teaspoon 13 cup. 8 tablespoons 12 cup.
1 cup 12 pint. 2 cups 1 pint. 4 cups 2 pints 1 quart.
4 quarts 1 gallon. 16 ounces 1 pound. Dash or pinch less than 18 teaspoon.
Bettys recipes dont use abbreviations but other recipes do so weve rounded up some common ones. Looking for the abbreviation of teaspoon. The Webs largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource.